'name','Email Address'=>'email','Subject'=>'subject','Message'=>'message','Area Code'=>'phoneAC','Phone Prefix'=>'phonePre','Phone Postfix'=>'phonePost'); $resp = null; $error = null; if ($_POST) { $recaptchaPostString[] = "privatekey=$privatekey"; $recaptchaPostString[] = "remoteip={$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}"; $recaptchaPostString[] = "challenge={$_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field']}"; $recaptchaPostString[] = "response={$_POST['recaptcha_response_field']}"; $postStr = implode ("&", $recaptchaPostString); exec ($curl." -e \"http://www.billdanzig.com\" -d \"$postStr\" $recaptchaAPI", $retVal); list ($resp, $respText) = $retVal; // echo $resp; if ($resp == 'false') { $invalid[] = 'ReCaptcha'; } $_POST = array_map ('trim', $_POST); $_POST = array_map ('stripslashes', $_POST); include_once ('/home/billdanz/includes/sanitizer.class.php'); $san = new HTML_Sanitizer; $_POST['message'] = $san->sanitize($_POST['message']); foreach ($reqArr as $k=>$v) { if ($_POST[$v] == '') { $missing[] = $k; $hilite[] = $v; $err = true; continue; } if (strstr ($v, 'phone')) { if (!is_numeric ($_POST[$v])) { $invalid[] = $k; $hilite[] = $v; $err = true; continue; } } if ($v == 'email' && email_eval ($_POST['email'])) { $invalid[] = $k; $hilite[] = $v; $err = true; } } if (!$err) { $success = true; $return_path = "billdanzig@gmail.com"; $headers = "Message-ID: <".date ('YmdHis')."mailserver@danzig.com>\n"; $headers .= "Errors-To: admin@thedegreepeople.com\n"; $headers .= "Date: ".date ('r')."\n"; // AUTORESPONSE $subj = "Billdanzig.com Inquiry"; $from = "From: \"BillDanzig.Com\" \n"; $replyto = "ReplyTo: \"billdanzig.com\" \n"; $to = "\"{$_POST['name']}\" <{$_POST['email']}>"; $body = "Thank you for your inquiry. We will respond as soon as possible."; $head = trim ($from.$replyto.$headers); mail ($to, $subj, $body, $head, "-f$return_path"); // SEND TO SITE ADMIN $subj = "billdanzig.com: {$_POST['subject']}"; $to = "\"billdanzig.com\" "; // $to = "\"billdanzig\" \n"; $from = "From: \"{$_POST['name']}\" <{$_POST['email']}>\n"; $replyto = "ReplyTo: \"{$_POST['name']}\" <{$_POST['email']}>\n"; $head = trim ($from.$replyto.$headers); $body = $_POST['message']; mail ($to, $subj, $body, $head, "-f$return_path"); } } ?>

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